Saturday, August 13, 2011

Short selling bans to help Europe? I seriously doubt so. Just look back into history to see how it did in 2008 for the US.

No time this weekend to write but I encourage all of you to read this article contributed by Chris Ciovacco. It speaks volumes about how I personally feel about the market. It is a very insightful article which speaks the truth about our current market situation.

Just want to add my two cents worth on the short selling bans imposed by the several European countries. Just look back at September 19th, 2008 when the SEC banned short selling in the US. What happened next? Two days of rally on short covering....what happened next? The market collapsed. Lets hope history does not repeat itself this time.

Here is the link.

Till next week.




  1. From a big bull to an alarmist bear - all within a short week? That's your crystal ball? Or are you trying to frighten people to panic and sell so that you can swoop in and buy on the cheap? Self-serving "guru"? Keep your opinions to yourself, for heaven's sake.

  2. I appreciate your comments. But I think that you got it wrong. I have been talking about being worried about Europe for two weeks. This is your second comment so far thus it shows you have been following. Bear in mind, you have your opinions and I have mine. This is the fact of this world, there is no need to get too worked up about it.

  3. I agree with SVI on what he posted on his blog. From geomancy point of view, the month of July was a good mth. Events has changed and hence the change in view. From fengshui analysis using Four Pillar Finance, August and September are bad moonths before turning better in October and November. However, next year will be BAD cos totally no fire in the elements Hence, SVI is right to turn bearish.

