Sunday, January 17, 2010

A note before I go...AURIC

I stared into the crystal ball and realised I will not be having much time to write over the coming week as I will be too far from the market to give insights into it. So I felt it was important to write something before I go.

In recent weeks, there has been a growing trend of people sending me smses to ask if there are stocks that are suitable for trading. This trend is making me feel a little concerned. Does this mean that there is a little too much exuberance in the market? My experience tells me that it could be time to take a little profit off the table and maybe sit by the sidelines. This is exactly what I intend to do with my trading positions and maybe move into cash or my GEM stock find.

I need to apologise for leaving you all in suspense but I really have not had the time to write in detail my newest stock pick. In my last post, I mentioned Auric Pacific at $0.65 now it has reached $0.72, almost 10% in a couple of days. Many analysts viewed Auric as a sell as Parkway sold out on their stake in the wine cum food distributor. But in my view, it could be just the beginning of a turnaround for the drastically undervalued company. The company currently is trading at a good discount to its book value of $1.75. It is more of an investment holding company, holding interests in China Energy, Food Junction etc.

The disposal by Parkway was crucial to the start of the turnaround for this counter. First of all, it was sold to Goldstream capital which in turn in owned by Provatas Investment which is now wholly owned by Oxley capital. Oxley capital is a upcoming boutique private equity company, and Auric makes the most likely candidate for a private equity buyout. It has lots of cash, assets and trading at a steep discount. Nothing makes more sense for a private equity company to look at it. Take my word for it, it is one of the best bets for the year. But please please please, if you make money on this one, please make a kind donation to the SVI fund, which is very very dry at the moment. Hahaha.

Please do not misunderstand, this is not my GEM stock....It is just a solid stock which has been on my screen for a long time.

Well till the next time I post....



1 comment:

  1. would appreciate very much if you could reveal ur GEM stock in your next posting.

    In Anticipation
